DfE Priority Area Project 2023-2025

DfE Priority Area Project

A successful bid proposal to the DfE has meant that from November 2023, Three Spires will be the lead and key Delivery Partner of the ‘Stoke-on-Trent Priority Area: raising attainment in English across KS3 and KS4’.

The project aims to support teachers to successfully embed ‘formative and summative assessment strategies’ into their teaching practice as a means to measure progress more accurately and effectively.

The programme will focus on a variety of elements that will be of interest to schools, including:

  • using key skills and knowledge to underpin planning
  • explicit teaching with a focus on pedagogical practice and instructional strategies
  • interleaving
  • oracy

For those schools involved, please email [email protected] for more information.

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St. Thomas' Primary Kidsgrove