Welcome from the TST CEO

Welcome from the TST CEO

A welcome from the TST Chief Executive, Emily Verow.

Three Spires Trust is a Church of England Multi Academy Trust which is committed to working within a respectful and compassionate environment. We welcome schools of all faiths and none, all educational phases and all Ofsted judgments. The heart of the Trust’s vision is our commitment that all children should experience ‘life in all its fullness’.

Three Spires exists to nurture a culture which values the essence of education, academic and vocational, as much as the whole person, the human being.

Service on behalf of all our communities and young people flows from an ambition to provide an enriching holistic experience; never compromising educational excellence but recognising that at the heart of education lies the pursuit of the spiritual, ethical, intellectual, relational flourishing of children, teachers and communities.

As a Trust we plan for the future with hope and optimism – we draw on the wonderful skills of our workforce and listen continually and with commitment to the voices of our young people. We underpin our conversations with compassion and consideration but never underestimate the need to be courageous advocates for positive change which will impact on the lives of our young people.

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