Church of England

Church of England

The Big Questions in Classrooms

Young minds are inherently inquisitive, eager to explore the intricacies of the world and their own role within it. Recognizing that no single academic discipline can fully address the profound inquiries that shape the human quest for meaning, purpose, and truth, The Church of England’s project, known as The Big Questions in Classrooms (BQiC), endeavors to guide students in appreciating diverse forms of knowledge and explanatory frameworks.

We are proud to have been chosen by the Church of England as one of 14 schools across the UK to take part in this project which, at its heart, aims to enhance both educators’ and students’ comprehension of “how knowledge works,” with a specific focus on the realms of science and religious education (RE).

Throughout the project, leads across a number of our academies will understand and appreciate how to foster a spirit of curiosity, encouraging an understanding of how different branches of knowledge can interconnect, thereby contributing to a more enriched approach to questioning, reasoning, and learning across the curriculum.

Chartered College of Teaching

Church of England

Department for Education

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