Join TST

Joining the Trust

We welcome conversations with schools within the Diocese of Lichfield who may wish to consider joining our Trust.

Joining the Trust

Our academies are communities where individual learning and challenge flourish, tailored to the abilities and ambitions of each young person.

We believe that through genuine school to school collaboration and shared values, we can be stronger and more effective in reaching our vision.

If you think you are a school which would fit in our family of schools and help strengthen our family further, we are very keen to hear from you. You can email Richard Mayfield, [email protected] to begin our conversation today.

Associate membership

Choosing to convert to an academy, or selecting an academy trust to work with, is a significant decision for any school.

The opportunity to work with a network of like-minded schools is an exciting one but the importance of the decision can’t be underestimated.

Our Associate Membership Scheme is offered to maintained schools, single academies and small MATs, of either Church of England designation or no religious designation, that have an interest in exploring what life is like as part of a multi-academy trust. The programme has been carefully designed to enable schools and academies to benefit from some intentional peer-to-peer, school-to-school engagement and to experience how a multi-academy trust works.

For more information on our Associate Membership Scheme, please contact Richard Mayfield, [email protected].